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Homework 12-2/12-13

6th Grade

Mon. 12/2- percent of number handout- odds/ Eureka packet p.9-10

Tues. 12/3- percent of a number handout – evens/ Finish Eureka packet

Wed. 12/4- percent proportion Handout #1

Thurs.12/5- percent proportion handout #2/ I ready review packet #1-5

Fri. 12/6- percent proportion word problems # 1-10

Mon.12/9- review for test

Tues. 12/10- test/ Finish I ready review packet #1

Wed.12/11- Graphing packet p.1

Thurs. 12/12- domain and range packet page. I ready review #2 1-5

Fri. 12/13- graphing packet page on translations


7th Grade

Mon. 12/2- Wkbk. P.61 and 64

Tues. 12/3- Wkbk p. 67 and 69/ review for quiz

Wed. 12/4- quiz/wkbk. P.70

Thurs. 12/5- proportion word problem handout

Fri. 12/6- Review for test/ I Ready review packet #1 1-5

Mon. 12/9- test/ I Ready review #6-10

Tues. 12/10- Wkbk. P.73 / start I ready review #2 1-5

Wed. 12/11- Wkbk p. 71

Thurs. 12/12- wkbk p. 77/ I ready review #2 6-10

Fri. 12/13- Eureka packet p.1-2


8th Grade

!on. 12/2- functions and geo quizlet finished/ wkbk p.89

Tues. 12/3- wkbk p.91

Wed. 12/4 – review for quiz/ I ready review #1 1-5

Thurs. 12/5- Quiz/ wkbk p.93

Fri. 12/6- addition and subtraction of scientific notation handout

Mon. 12/9- review for test/ I ready review #1 6-10

Tues. 12/10- test/ graphing intro handout

Wed. 12/11- x/y chart graphing handout

Thurs. 12/12- x/y chart graphing handout #2 / I Ready review packet #2 1-5

Fri. 12/13- review for graphing quiz/ I ready review #2 6-10