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Classroom News!

Another week flew by!  We have been very busy in fourth grade.  We learned about 9/11, Patriot Day, and what a hero is.  We continued our journey with Number the Stars.  We are learning and implementing the writing process with our personal narrative and scientist biography.  We also are working on editing our own writing and revising our edited rough drafts.  In Math, we continue to learn about place value, and practice multi-digit subtraction and addition.  Next week, we will be rounding and estimating multidigit numbers, using place value charts.  In Religion, we are learning how to walk the path of Jesus and of Mary, and all of the saints.
As a reminder, please make sure your student is adhering to the uniform policy of the school.
Dress for Recess!
We go out in very cold weather, as low as 20 degrees.  While it is warm now, it will not remain.  Please make sure your student is warmly dressed for outdoor play.  Dress them in layers, with hat, gloves and scarves, if necessary.  Thank you.