All grade levels K-8th are starting our basketball unit in Gym. Students are learning about the core components of basketball like dribbling, passing and shooting. Students in the younger grades are mastering those basic skills while students in the older grades are putting those skills towards competitiveness and will soon be playing 3 vs 3 and 5 vs 5 basketball games with the conclusion of the unit ending in full-gym full-team games. Students in the older grades are also learning how to self-regulate and self-govern their own games without the assistance of Mr. Kubek. The basketball unit will be continuing throughout next week, and at the conclusion of the unit we will then transition into our volleyball unit.
Prek3 and JK4 are starting to work on their throwing technique. In both of those classes we are working on our underhand and overhead throwing. Students are also learning how to share during this unit as i sometimes include enough balls for some of the students but not all to encourage the concept of sharing and playing together. Some days i bring enough balls for all the students so that they can work on their individual throwing skills. Students will learn all the different types of throwing and will soon move onto kicking to work on fine and gross motor skills!