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Classroom News 10/11

Another great week!
We continue our novel study of Number of the Stars.  We have also continue  our research and rough drafts for our Saint research.  On November 1st, All Saints Day, students will come dressed as their saint.  Students will present their projects to each other and to other classes, dressed as their saints.  We will begin to work on our posters soon.  We will also be reviewing and determining the differences between adjectives and adverbs.  In math, we have begun our multiplication and division unit.  Please practice math facts with students every day.  It makes a difference!
Your students have made me lose my marbles, and as a reward, they will get to have an Electronic Game Day.  It will be on 10/17.  Permission slips went home today explaining the rules and expectations.  Students need to have their signed permission slip in by 10/17 or they will not be able to participate.  If your student does not want to bring their device, no worries.  They may bring in a board or card game, if they would like to do that.
Students will be receiving Behavior Progress Reports. These are a form of communication.  A lot of these behaviors are a work in progress.  If a student receives a grade of 2 or 1, then it is a behavior that we are working on.  If there is a question, please feel free to email me.
Students came home with spelling lists yesterday.
HOMEWORK– There are always bumps in the beginning of the year.  As part of our routine, students write down the homework assignments that are posted on the board at the beginning of the day, the very first thing they do.  At times, they may need to change it throughout the day, but the very first thing they are suppose to do is fill in their planner.  From now on, I will be checking the planners sporadically.  It is expected that you student fill in his or her planner accurately and daily.  Please check at home if this is indeed happening, and if not, let me know.  Every Monday, two iXL assignments in math, fourth grade level, and two iXL assignments in language arts, fourth grade level, are assigned and are due the following Monday.  Please note that because the students have a week to complete their assignments that late assignments will not be accepted.  I-Ready homework is assigned on Monday, as well.  Students are to complete and pass two lessons in math, and two lessons in reading every week by Friday.  They are unable to make it up the next week. Assignments for that week will not be credited the following week.  Math workbook pages are to be completed and in school the next day.  Late work will not be accepted.  Reading Logs are to be handed on Mondays.  If a student is missing homework, a missing homework slip goes home.  Please sign this slip and return it back the next day.  Test corrections are allowed for half credit.  They are to be done and handed in the next day.  They will not be accepted after that.  All tests are to be signed and returned the next day.   Usually, they will have a stamp on them.
As a reminder, please make sure your student is adhering to the uniform policy of the school.
Dress for Recess!
We go out in very cold weather, as low as 20 degrees.  While it is warm now, it will not remain.  Please make sure your student is warmly dressed for outdoor play.  Dress them in layers, with hat, gloves and scarves, if necessary.  Thank you.