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Student of the Week

Beginning the week of September 9, students will be chosen to be the student of the week for the following week.  So, on September 9, a student will be picked to be student of the week the following week. An “All About Me” poster will be sent home on the 9th, and should be brought back to school on September 16th to be shared with the class.  This will begin their Student of the Week activities.
Monday (One Week Prior)– “All About Me” poster will be sent home and due the following Monday.
Friday (Prior to Student of the week)– Mascot is sent home, along with a Mascot journal.  This is to be filled out along with a drawing or picture to be shared with the class the following week.
Monday: “All About Me” poster to be brought back to school a week later, to share with the class.
Tuesday: Favorite book to share
Wednesday: Classmates will write the student letters and then it will be made into a book for the Student of the Week
Thursday: Bring an article about any subject that the student is interested in sharing with the class
Friday: Class Mascot Journal Share